The upstairs’ rooms needed a lot of repairs. The floors in the master bedroom and one of the other bedrooms had slightly sagging floors because of the length of the spans. The sub floors had to be ripped up and the floor joist reinforced. New subfloors were installed.
Painted hardware is one of my pet peeves, so I as I worked on the bedroom, I strip the paint off the hardware as I did with the other rooms in the house. I repaired and painted the walls that wonderful cream color and the trim white semigloss. The closet was not finished in the inside, so I lined it with cedar.
Some of my family volunteered to help lay hardwood. They had some experience, and I took a class on how to lay hardwood floors. We stayed up and worked for 22 hours straight installing oak flooring. I rented a power undercut saw that is used to cut off the bottom of door mouldings so we could slide the oak planks under them. It was a real time-saving tool and I highly suggest using one. The manual undercut saw recommended to me took way too much time and effort to do the same job.

My handyman rebuilt the balcony floor off the master bedroom and laid ash flooring which I varnished with marine varnish. The east porch and balcony was attached to house only by the roof of the balcony, so he bolted it to the house.
I rebuilt the railings and reinstalled them, one job that took forever and gave me fits at every turn.
I loved the bedroom set when I first saw it. I bought it before I moved to Manti and it really filled the small bedroom of my previous home. Little did I know how well it would match this home.
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