Baskets are my friends. Baskets can help organize and clear clutter in every room in your home and create the appearance of tidiness while adding interest to your decor. They come in all shapes, colors, sizes and materials. In
my old house, things related are sorted and placed into baskets on shelves in the laundry room, closets and cabinets. A decorative basket filled with incoming mail is better than a pile of papers sitting on the counter. A small basket in the bathroom filled with sample-size shampoos, conditioner and lotions is great for guest's convienence. A basket in the bathroom filled with magazines and reading material helps contain clutter. I used lots of small plastic baskets in the bathroom cabinet by the sink for out-of-sight storage. Plastic is good for things that leak or spill or need to be washed from time to time. All toothpaste, dental floss and extra tooth brushes are in a small basket, hair items in another, makeup in another and so on. I rolled towels and wash clothes in a square wicker basket with brass-colored handles in the guest bath by the sink for decoration and easy access. Since I have the habit of kicking off my shoes when I enter the house, I have shallow square baskets near the outside doors just for shoes. They also help coral guest's shoes. I never use baskets that are too large or deep where items are hard to see and can get lost.
Plastic boxes, decorative boxes and plastic drawer units also come in handy. I bought a plastic drawer unit with wheels and used it for my sewing items, placed my portable sewing machine on top and rolled it into a closet out of sight.
Manti is located in a somewhat remote area so I often buy in bulk. In my basement where my extra food and supplies are kept, I sorted everything the same way a grocery store is organized, sauces together, soups, fruit, dry goods, spices, packaged food, soap and paper towels all in their own areas on the shelving units. Many smaller items like spice-mix packages are stored in plastic containers with lids or flat baskets. When I go down to find an ingredient for a recipe, it is like grocery shopping.
CHAPTER 28 Verse 5
Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store.